Class Blog for Foundation/Y1

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Week 1 

Good afternoon everyone

What a wonderful first week back at school we have had!

We were all so impressed with how the children came back into school remembering all of the class routines!

We have a knew big question this half term and it is: What kind of place is Brazil?

This week we have started our big question by exploring different items. On a tray we had, dark chocolate, milk chocolate , coffee beans and orange juice. We passed these items around the room feeling, smelling and looking at them. We then explored where these items may come from. We discussed lots about Brazil, what we knew already and what we wanted to learn. We had the chance to also watch a little bit of Rio. The children loved the colours and the carnival. We will be exploring this in more detail as the weeks progress. We are really excited to see where our big question takes us with our learning!

Foundation children this week have been subitising (recognising an amount without counting) and exploring numbers 1,2 and 3 in detail. They have been using different mediums such as crayon and pastel to create rain-forest pictures and colour animal that live in Brazil. They have been making bunting using the flag of Brazil also.

Year 1 children have explored weather in Geography this week and compared the weather between the UK and Brazil. They have also been working hard at number bonds to 10 and adding more! In English all the children have learnt a poem ‘From My Window’ This poem is about a little boy who lives in Brazil and what he can see from his window. The children have explored adjectives and capital letters.

On Tuesday we had a Halloween day and the children explored the anatomy of pumpkins by cutting one open, they carved a pumpkin, they made skeletons from twigs in outdoor learning with Mrs Gregory and Janet. They also carefully coloured in Halloween pictures using ‘pinchy pen fingers’ and concentration. The children also used their phonic knowledge to write CVC ( Consonant , vowel, consonant) words that linked Halloween.

We have explored so much this is only a snippet of the wonderful things we learn in class! 

We really have had a wonderful week of learning and Fun!

Foundation Team 




Thursday 19th October 

Good afternoon everyone!

Wow! We cannot believe that the half term break is here already!

We have had the most amazing half term, and we are so proud of all the children and how well they have all adapted to foundation and year 1 learning. It’s been amazing to see some fantastic progression.

We are really excited for the next half term and all the exciting learning that will bring.

Thank you for your support this half term. Please remember we are always here for a chat if you need so, please don’t hesitate to see us if you have any questions. We will be holding a parents consultation evening next half term.

Please remember that tomorrow is INSET day and school will be closed for staff training.

Please continue to read with your children over the break, repetition really is very important to embed their phonic knowledge.


Possible half term activities for foundation:

-      Doh disco – to promote hand and finger strength.

-      name writing (sand/shaving foam/play doh/pencils/pens/colours/paint)

-      writing letters and small words made up of all the phonics sounds so far!

-      number songs

Possible half term activities for year 1:

-write Miss Hughes a story about anything you want (can you include adjectives)

-write Miss Hughes a recount of something you have done in the break (can you include time conjunctions; first/next/ then.

-listen to and practice time tables songs 2x, 10 x and 5x tables.


I would love to see some of this practice so please feel free to share on the return to school for special stickers!



After the break foundation children will revisit level 2 phonics. We repeat level 2 as repetition is really important in the early stages of reading. The children have worked so hard at recognising and saying the phonic sounds in level 2 however we need to continue to practice writing them also, revisiting the level allows us to do this effectively. The reading books that come home will also return back to book one.


We look forward to seeing all the children on Monday the 30th October.

Wishing you all a wonderful week and we look forward to seeing you all soon

Foundation Team 



Friday 13th October

Good afternoon

What another wonderful week!

We have explored many learning opportunities in foundation year 1 this week and have had a blast whilst exploring!

We have started to explore addition and subtraction in year 1 and the children have been exploring part- whole models. They have also been editing and writing their instructions on how to put a fire out. On Thursday the children wrote the instructions so neatly on special paper. They are great! The year ones have also, given a recount in history about the Great Fire of London, used robots to give instructions, explored Harvest and what they are thankful for and so much more!

The foundation children have really been trying hard to write their names this week and each sound of the day. The foundation children are getting wonderfully good at ‘robot talk, read the word’ to read small words. They have also made Tudor houses, used funky fingers to use tweezers to place beads on the water trail to Pudding Lane, used pulses and pasta to make a Great Fire of London picture, explored their senses and used ambitious vocabulary to think of what they may have seen, heard and smelt if they were present during the Great Fire of London,  and so much more!

ALL the children are working so well together and on their own individual learning. All the adults are so impressed.

A little homework for foundation children this week please.

Please could the foundation children continue to practice writing their names. Another fantastic activity is called ‘doh disco’. Doh disco really helps with building strength in fingers so that it’s a little easier to grip the pencil and mark make/write. Doh disco videos are free on you tube and all you need is a little play doh.


Please ensure reading books are brought into school every day. Reading books are changed every Tuesday and Friday. Please try and read with your children and write that you have shared the book in the reading record. The children are really keen to get their karate reading bands!

Please do not forget that Friday the 20th October is an INSET day and school will be closed to children.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend

Foundation Team 



Friday 6th October

Happy Friday from all in Foundation!

We have explored so much in Foundation/year1 this week.

Year one children have worked super hard at exploring imperative verbs and time conjunctions when planning instructions. They have also explored using a number line in maths and comparing different quantities. The year one children showed what they have learnt by completing an end of unit assessment and they were so proud to show what they know! This week the children have also continued to explore properties of materials and specifically whether a material is waterproof or not. They have explored firefighters then and now and compared firefighters from 1666 to now! They have also continued to look at the creation story.  They have explored so much and are continuing to be amazing!

Foundation children this week have explored lots of different activities such as using tiny toothpicks to trace a drop of water to put the ‘fire’ out on Pudding Lane. This activity promoted strength in fingers! If our fingers are strong, we will be able to hold a pencil with purpose ready for amazing mark making and writing. The children have also traced the sound of the day, explored big and small in maths by matching the three bears to their beds and chairs. They have made London skylines using crayons and black sugar paper – these looks amazing. They have explored so many learning activities that have help progress their gross and fine motor skills, their understanding of the world and so much more!

All children have been working really well in phonics, please continue to practice phonics at home and read the books sent home. The children are all progressing so well.

A little homework for foundation children this week please.

Please could the children practice writing their name at home, in any way that you like: rainbow writing/in sand/with paint/crayon/ pasta. As much practice as you can, would be great please                                                                                                                                      . There will be special stickers given to those who bring in some name writing to show the adults. You can also email pictures if you like.

Please remember to come to our phonics parent information session on Tuesday 10th. There will be two session lasting about twenty minutes. One at 9am and one at 2:40. Please email to register your attendance. 

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend

Foundation Team 



Friday 29th September

Good afternoon all

Another wonderful exploring and learning week has been had here in foundation/yr1!

From year 1’s learning all about imperative verbs and time conjunctions to using bee bots to give instructions in computing and foundation making the most amazing fire sticks from thread and sticks to sorting and matching in maths!

We have explored and learnt so much more in class also this week, below are some pictures of the amazing things we have explored!


Please can YEAR 1 ‘s ONLY provide 2 cereal boxes for next week s DT lesson please. Can you send these in, in a named carrier bag. Many thanks.

Foundations children have now brought home books with small words in. The children have not yet explored all the letters but please encourage the children to read the sounds they do know. Share the books with the children and read the books to them as many times as you can. Repetition really is the key to embed the phonic knowledge whilst surrounding them with lost of wonderful words! Mrs Podmore and Miss Masters will be holding a phonic information session ,an email was sent out yesterday to all parents- please come along.

Please can I remind everyone to order your child’s lunch for the next week by Thursday each week via the parent pay please.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend

Foundation Team 



Friday 22nd September 

Happy Friday

What another wonderful week we have had in Foundation/yr1!

Some of this week’s learning:

Year 1 children have worked super hard in English this week to plan their own poem from London’s Burning and they spent time writing their poems out, editing them and then writing them in neat. They were lovely.

In maths the year 1 children have been comparing and matching objects, exploring one more, counting backwards and one less! They have all worked so hard!

In wider curriculum the year 1 children have explored the Bible in RE and found The Creation Story, they have watched and read lots about The Great Fire of London in history and then came up with some amazing questions that they would like to research in next weeks lesson. They have also used their printing skills in art and so much more!

Foundation children have also continued to explore The Great Fire of London. They have been making houses and fire displays using leaves and twigs- they were amazing.

The Foundation children have been working really hard practicing holding their pencils correctly and writing their names.

In Phonics this week they have learnt sounds /i/n/m/d/. They have also been using their phonic knowledge to blend the sounds together to read small words!

In PE this week all the children used the inspiration of The Great Fire of London and completed dance movements to music.

They have also: Made fires and bakeries using funky finger tools, practiced writing the sound of the day, dressed up as bakers ( and princesses and spider-man), used play doh to complete fire pictures, coloured, explored sand and water activities and so much more!

We really have had the best week.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend

Foundation Team 



Friday 15th September

Good afternoon all

We have come to the end of our second week back at school and the children are continuing to amaze all the adults in class!

Some of this week’s learning:

Year 1:

In English this week year 1 have been exploring the poem/rhyme London’s Burning. The children have explored features of a poem and they have learnt the poem using actions. They have also explored repetitive language in poems. On Thursday and Friday, they imitated the poem and changed it to Looe’s Sinking! They then wrote some of the poem in their books.

In maths the children have been learning to represent objects using numbers, counting on from larger numbers and reading numbers in words.

In the wider curriculum this week year 1 have completed finger painting a fire in art, explored instructions in computing, learnt to move their bodies in time with the pulse in music. They have also sequenced the creation story in RE and ordered the events of The Great Fire of London in History. The children enjoyed pretending they were present at the Great Fire of London and thought about what they might see, hear, touch and smell.

The year 1 children have worked so hard this week- well done.


Foundation children:

Foundation children have also been exploring The Great Fire of London. They have learnt action to go with the London’s Burning poem and also enjoyed changing the poem to Looe’s Sinking! Some of the ideas the foundation children contributed were just amazing!

The children have also loved moving their bodies in different ways in PE and finding the pulse to the music during our music lesson.

The foundation children began formal phonics lessons this week and they have worked so hard- please look out for an email that has the parent sheets attached for you to practice at home.  

The foundation children have also: Practiced writing their name, counted beads on numbered stars, made Duplo houses, pretended to be Thomas Farriner in the Pudding Lane bakery, made fire pictures with dabbers, explored tissue paper art, built houses for construction and so much more!


School photos are being taken on Monday 18th.

 We really have had a wonderful week.

Take care.

Foundation Team 



Friday 8th September

Good afternoon everyone and happy Friday!


I know it’s probably been extremely tough to see your children come to school for the first time, we know how emotional it can be, however we are so very proud and impressed at how well all the children have settled into school life this week!

The children have explored so much and have had so much fun! They have adapted to the routines of foundation class and are already so impressive!

This week we have allowed the children to get used to the class and outside area. We have explored colouring, painting, cutting, play doh, mark making, singing, snack times, Duplo and so much more.

 Year 1:

The adults are so proud of the year 1 children this week. They have returned to school so well. The year 1 children have started to access some formal teaching this week and have been using their year 1 classroom to explore their learning tasks. Next week they will be accessing all the year 1 lessons available to them. They are over the moon to have their own little area in class where they can complete their tasks! The year 1 children have also been extremely kind to the foundation children and helping them when they may have got a little confused.  Well done year 1 I’m so proud of you!


Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you all on Monday

Foundation team 



First day at school! 

Wow! We are so impressed and proud of how well all the new children came to school today! 

We have had the best day and have had so much fun learning some of our new routines and enjoying exploring all the resources! 

Year 1 children have been amazing at helping and showing the Foundation children what to do in their new class- well done! 

We are looking forward to seeing all the children tomorrow for another day of fantastic learning!


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