Class Blog for Foundation/Y1

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Week 4 

This week the children have been exploring animal fact files- we started the week off with a special visit from Hugo the pug. Mrs Gregory kindly brought him in for the children to learn lots of interesting facts about him. Mrs Gregory told us some fascinating facts and the children also asked some amazing questions!

The year ones then started to explore features of a fact file and plan one all about pigs. The foundation children read the story The Owl babies and then explored writing adjectives and started to explore the parts of an owl.

In maths this week the year ones have been assessed on their end of unit understanding of numbers within 20 and were then assessed before their next unit of addition and subtraction within 20. The children worked so hard. They have also been exploring adding from different numbers using number tracks, part -whole models and ten frames.

The foundation children have been exploring numbers 6, 7 and 8. They have recognising, making and matching these numbers really well.

Today we had NSPCC number day and we were maths rock stars! WE completed lots of different maths activities whilst raising money for the wonderful NSPCC cause.

We have had another full week of so much learning and fun!

Can I just also say a massive thank you so much for my kind birthday wishes , cards and gifts, I felt very special on my birthday!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Foundation /year 1 team. 



Week 3 

The Children have worked so hard this week and have accomplished some amazing tasks.

This week the year one children have spent some time writing their innovated stories. They have really tried hard to use their phonic knowledge to write longer sentences that included adjectives and conjunctions. The foundation children have worked hard at looking at a picture from The Tiger Who Came to Tea, they then verbally used adjectives to describe the picture. Then using their phonic knowledge, they tried really hard to write small captions to match the picture. All the children have achieved amazing English work this week.

In maths the year one children have been exploring how to use a number line to 20. They have been using their number knowledge to identify missing numbers and have mastered estimating where numbers should be on a number line when a number line is blank. They then used the greater than, less than and equals to symbols to compare numbers within 20. The foundation children have been exploring measure this week. They have been exploring bucket scales and suing the bucket scales to weigh different objects. They started by trying to use objects to balance the scales. They then estimated what items would be heavier and lighter. They finished the week with measuring how many cubes heavy an object would be. All the children have achieved amazing maths this week!

The year one children have also explored capital cities in Geography and placed them on their UK maps from last week. They also explored aerial photographs and used key words to describe different characteristics of different countries. They have been exploring collages in art and have designed and created wonderful collages of our school value animals. In RE the children have continued to explore Judaism and this week learnt all about Hanukkah.

This week foundation children have also been writing CVC words and using their phonic skills and practicing their writing, They have been using their funky fingers to thread string to make amazing animals, they have used their amazing observational skills to look at pictures of different animal sand then draw and paint them. We have had some wonderful pictures. The children have completed so much more too!

Another wonderful week in Foundation/year 1!


We are delighted to be welcome Mrs Lydon to class from Monday. As you remember Mrs Podmore left in December and Mrs Waring as worked hard to find the right person to replace her and we are excited to welcome Mrs Lydon to the team.

Hugo the dog will be visiting on Monday to start our new English topic. Please refer to our previous email.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Foundation /year 1 team.






Week 2 

Another wonderful jam-packed week of learning has taken place in foundation/year 1 this week!

The children have continued to explore the story of The Tiger Who Came to Tea. The children have changed this story to The Elephant Who Came to Tea. The foundation children have spent time this week using their phonic knowledge to wrote adjectives to describe a character from the story and the year one children have spent time planning their own version of the story using ambitious vocabulary and then they have started to write their own stories. All the children have been working so well.

The year 1 children have also been continuing to explore numbers within 20. They have used base ten to help their knowledge of tens and ones when exploring teen numbers. They have worked hard to find one more and one less and today they have started to identify numbers within 20 on a number line. 

Foundation children have been exploring numbers to 5. They have been subitising and spent lots of time this week exploring one more and one less up to 5. They played a bus game with Mrs Gregory and loved it.

Year 1 children have also been exploring carnivores, herbivores and omnivores in Science. They have been exploring the UK and what countries make up the UK. They have been weaving and exploring patterns in DT and discussing goals in PSHE.

The foundation children have also been writing captions and practicing their writing skills, sorting animals into groups such as how many legs they have. Using their problem-solving skills to match animals that have been separated, using their observational skills to paint a parrot and so much more.

All children have been working super hard in phonics and are progressing well.

In PE this week the children continued to explore jumping in gymnastics and this afternoon they continued to explore different ball skills with Bobby our coach.

We have had another fun filled week and are looking forward to next week.

Gentle reminder please write in the children reading record when you read with the children at home.

 Foundation/Year 1 Team



Week 1 

Well, the children have settled back into school so well. We have had an amazing week of exploring and learning.

Our class have started a new story this week: The Tiger Who Came to Tea. The foundation and the year one children have been loving this story. We started the week with exploring the story and the story map. We then had a tea party in class with our favourite teddies. We invited the tiger, we didn’t think he would come….BUT he did!! We were so excited! The children thought it was Mrs Gregory but Mrs Gregory was busy doing jobs with Mrs Waring!! The tiger was so cheeky and drank the children’s milk and the water from the tap! Foundation and year one children explored sequencing the story in groups and in their English books. They have all explored adjectives and thought of great ones to describe characters of the story. The year ones have used adjectives and conjunctions in their sentences. We also imitated the story as a class and changed the story to one of our own!

The year ones have also been counting within 20 and exploring teen numbers. They have explored continents and oceans in geography and also mapped where different animals come from in the world. In DT the year ones explored different materials and paper weaving.

Foundation children have loved exploring the ice outside this week. They have loved leaving water out at night and investigating it the next day once it has frozen. Foundation children have found icicles and ice crystals and have loved the patterns. They have also been exploring numbers 0-5 in maths and writing CVC words and name writing on the writing table. They have role played being vets in our vet’s role paly area and have sorted animals into adult animals and their young. They have also been busy using water colours to paint different animals. They have explored so much more! We have had a very busy and learning full week!

All the children have completed PE skills this week using their bodies in different ways and learning new ball skills with Bobby the coach.

All the children explored what they are good at in PSHE this week and it was lovely to see all the children sharing their passions and goals.

We really have had a wonderful week and are really looking forward to next week.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend

Foundation/Year 1 Team



Week 6 

We are nearing the end of term, but our amazing learning journey continues!

We have been busy rehearsing for the Christmas performance in the afternoons this week and we are so proud of the children sitting, listening, confidence to speak in front of people, coordination when they dance and of course learning so many songs! We cannot wait for you to see the performance next week!

This week the foundation children have continued to read the story Buddy’s Rainforest Rescue. Foundation children have been working hard to draw a character from the book ready to label and write small captions next week. They have been exploring Christmas with the nativity set and lots of books all about Christmas. They have been matching and sorting Christmas characters in maths and exploring 2d shapes. They have been using their funky fingers to complete Santa and Rudolph pictures. They have worked as a team to complete our class globes and put Brazil and the UK on the map. In the role play area they have been Santas helpers and have ordered Christmas presents played at being the elves to warp the presents and practiced writing the tags! The children have been using playdough to finish Christmas pictures and SO much more!

This week year 1 have worked hard to write our class imitated story. We changed the story from Buddy’s Rainforest Rescue to Rainbows Rainforest Rescue- Rainbow was a parrot. The children worked hard to use their phonics top write part of the story. They the worked hard to innovate the story and plan their own. The story has now changed to Grey’s Ocean Rescue! Next week the year ones will spend time carefully writing this story using the story maps they planned. In maths the years ones have been exploring 2d shapes and have worked hard at recognising, sorting, and making patterns!  

We have had a great week in Foundation year 1.  

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend

Foundation/Year 1  Team 



Week 5 

We have been super busy learning so much in Foundation/yr1 this week.

This week the foundation children have explored lots and enjoyed their learning activities. In English this week we read our story of Buddy’s Rainforest Rescue. We then explored adjectives and used lots of describing words top describe Buddy. The children came up with some amazing adjectives to describe Buddy. The foundation children then completed their first formal English activity of using their phonic knowledge to write initial sounds of words, small words and as a challenge some wrote small captions. They all worked so hard! The foundation children have also been exploring numbers 4 and 5 in maths this week and have completed lots of fun activities to imbed their number knowledge. They have been working as a team to papier Mache a globe, used funky fingers to make Buddy masks and role play our story, used cotton buds to finish pictures of amazon parrots, in outdoor learning the children made wands that also looked like amazon rainforest trees and so much more!

This week year 1 have worked hard to explore expanded noun phrases in English. In their writing they have been trying to use more than one adjective to describe a noun, in this case Buddy, form our story. The children have tried so hard even when it may have been a little tricky. The year ones have also enjoyed exploring our new maths unit of geometry, this week they have been learning all about 3d and 2d shapes. In the wider curriculum the year ones have looked at climate in Geography, continued to explore and compare places of worship in RE and their favourite part of the week was designing and decorating Christmas biscuits in DT.

We have explored and learnt another full week of learning.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend

Foundation Team 



Week 4 

Another jam packed week of amazing learning opportunities in class this week! The children have all worked so wonderfully well.

We started the week with a special visit from Ellie Jackson, a local author who has written some lovely books , one of which is our book for our new English unit; Buddy’s Rainforest Rescue. Ellie came into class and read the story to us and started some lovely discussion about Rainforests. The foundation and year 1 children then learnt the story through actions and a story map. It was wonderful to have such an immersive start to our new English unit. Year one’s have been exploring features of a story and they have also been exploring the conjunction ‘and’. The children worked hard to join sentences together using the conjunction.

In maths they year ones have worked hard at solving addition and subtraction calculations. Towards the end of the week they completed their post unit assessment and today completed their pre unit assessment as next week we start our new unit of geometry. In the wider curriculum the year one children have continued to explore and compare weather in Brazil and Antarctica. They have revisited their knowledge on the equator ad hot and cold countries. In Science they explore weather further and made  a rain gauge – they have been checking every day and there was no rain until the Friday check when we had something to measure at last! 

In Art the children explored mono printing and using materials and textured paper to print some Brazilian art.

This week the foundation children have been using their phonic knowledge so far to write key words and captions about the rainforest. They have used their cutting skills to show ‘where the animals should be’ on a Rainforest background.  In maths the children have been exploring circles and triangles, this week they looked at properties of these shapes and also tried to find these shapes in our environment around us. On Thursday the foundation children explored position and played a game with Mrs Podmore to extend their knowledge.

In outdoor learning the children had frames with sticky tape on and found lots of natural materials to make a wonderful frame. The children have been role playing in the Travel agents and looking at globes to see where they would like to travel to. They have been writing holiday lists too. On the funky fingers tray this week we have used pipe cleaners and holey balls to make Amazon Rainforest spiders. The children have also been using their observational skills to copy pictures of animals in the Rainforest. The children really took their time doing this and they are wonderful.

We have ended the week with having a wonderful opportunity to attend a ‘pop up play’ session in the hall. The theme was dinosaurs and we had so many activities to join in with. The children loved it and had a great time playing and learning all about dinosaurs.

As you can see, we have had another wonderful week in Foundation/Year1.

Another wonderful week of learning.      Foundation Team 



Week 3 

Week 3 has been super busy and jam packed full of wonderful learning.

This week Year 1’s have been learning to edit their work in English and then write their poems really neatly including any edited parts. In maths we have been exploring the eight fact families and subtraction by crossing out. The children have worked so hard and have really impressed the adults! In the wider curriculum the children explored primary and secondary colours the created a wonderful amazon rainforest picture. They then learnt about and used an overlay to print the map of Brazil. In RE we explored churches and in Geography we explored the Equator and hot and cold countries!

This week the foundation children have used an atlas to find Brazil, they have used lots of different mediums such as pastel, crayon and pencil to recreate an amazon rainforest picture. They used their funky fingers to practice cutting skills and also use the hexagons to make amazon trees, this really helped to strengthen their hands and fingers. The foundation children have also been practicing their name and letter writing every day and have been amazing at beating miss Hughes’ challenge of writing CVC words.

On Thursday we had a Diwali day. We had a wonderful visitor called Maya who came to tell us all about Diwali and how she celebrates. She taught us how to say hello, showed us her wonderful clothes and taught us a small dance. WE read the story of Rama and Sita, we also made mehndi patterns, rangoli ad made Diya’s from clay- these are drying and will come home once they have been painted.

This week was also Anti-bullying week, and we had an assembly on Monday all about Anti-bullying. In PSHE we explored bullying detail and created posters to remind each other how to always be kind.

Another wonderful week of learning

Foundation Team 



Week 2 

What a wonderful week of learning.

We started the week with exploring why we celebrate Bonfire Night. Foundation children completed lots of firework-based activities.

On Monday we also had a visit from the ladies at The Royal Cornwall Showground. They showed us all the amazing food that is grown here in Cornwall. We were then able to explore lots of resources such as grinding grain, dressing up as a farmer, completing animal puzzles and lots more. It was a great learning opportunity. 

Year 1 children have been imitating their poem this week and continuing to learn about Brazil. They have explored different seasons and also learnt about other beliefs in RE. They have also worked really hard at exploring adding and subtracting using ten frames and part whole models in maths. The year one’s favourite part of the week was exploring food from different countries in DT where they got to taste, pizza, nachos, poppadom’s, scones and croissants.

Foundation children have practiced cutting skills, explored globes and atlas books to find where Brazil and the UK is, they have practiced writing on whiteboards and the interactive whiteboard. They have used their phonic knowledge to write CVC words, joined in with dough disco to make their fingers strong and SO much more!

We ended the week with a Remembrance Day! Foundation and year 1 children explored why we remember on the 11th November each year. Foundation children then completed lots of remembrance activities.

We have had the best week.

We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday and hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Foundation Team 



Week 1 

Good afternoon everyone

What a wonderful first week back at school we have had!

We were all so impressed with how the children came back into school remembering all of the class routines!

We have a knew big question this half term and it is: What kind of place is Brazil?

This week we have started our big question by exploring different items. On a tray we had, dark chocolate, milk chocolate , coffee beans and orange juice. We passed these items around the room feeling, smelling and looking at them. We then explored where these items may come from. We discussed lots about Brazil, what we knew already and what we wanted to learn. We had the chance to also watch a little bit of Rio. The children loved the colours and the carnival. We will be exploring this in more detail as the weeks progress. We are really excited to see where our big question takes us with our learning!

Foundation children this week have been subitising (recognising an amount without counting) and exploring numbers 1,2 and 3 in detail. They have been using different mediums such as crayon and pastel to create rain-forest pictures and colour animal that live in Brazil. They have been making bunting using the flag of Brazil also.

Year 1 children have explored weather in Geography this week and compared the weather between the UK and Brazil. They have also been working hard at number bonds to 10 and adding more! In English all the children have learnt a poem ‘From My Window’ This poem is about a little boy who lives in Brazil and what he can see from his window. The children have explored adjectives and capital letters.

On Tuesday we had a Halloween day and the children explored the anatomy of pumpkins by cutting one open, they carved a pumpkin, they made skeletons from twigs in outdoor learning with Mrs Gregory and Janet. They also carefully coloured in Halloween pictures using ‘pinchy pen fingers’ and concentration. The children also used their phonic knowledge to write CVC ( Consonant , vowel, consonant) words that linked Halloween.

We have explored so much this is only a snippet of the wonderful things we learn in class! 

We really have had a wonderful week of learning and Fun!

Foundation Team 



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