Class Blog for Foundation/Y1

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Week 4 

Foundation year 1 have achieved some amazing learning this week.

Both year groups have been sharing their writing skills Year 1 have been writing up their planned story and foundation children have been writing sentences from the story independently, following a story map! All the adults are so impressed!

The foundation children have been exploring odd ad even numbers and then began to explore numbers larger than 10. Year 1 children have been exploring times tables, 2’s and 10’s. They are amazing at their times tables….5 times table next week!

The sun has been out so lots of exploring has been happening outside, we have planted potatoes and we have cleaned our pond, we still have two newts living happily in the pond. We have chalked roads in and around Looe and rode the bikes around. We have drawn maps of our playground using a key. We have been continuing our wonderful PE lessons and we have been making Cornish flags to go with our Union Jack flags and St Georges flag! And so much more!!

Have a wonderful sunny weekend!

Foundation /year 1 team.






Week 3 

The children have worked hard in English this week to imitate the story of Mr Gumpy’s Outing. With a lot of imagination, the story became Mrs Gumpy’s Outing and the children thought of many different animals to fit the story. The year 1 children then spent time writing a part of the imitated story and the foundation children worked hard to draw and label a picture from the imitated story. The year 1’s have also planned a new version of the story and are getting ready to write their stores next week.

In Maths the year 1 children have been exploring volume and capacity. They have enjoyed filing jugs and cups and exploring the capacity of an object and the different volume of water they could put in the jugs!

The foundation children have been working on doubles this week and have learnt a brilliant rhyme to help them remember.

In PSHE this week the children explored different relationships. They looked at different pictures and tried to guess the relationship between the people in the picture and whether it looked kike a good or not so good relationship. The children then worked in groups and role played how they like to greet known adults and their peers. Look out for the new greetings on the door soon!

The children have been exploring so much learning this week and continue to make wonderful progress and try their best!

We hope you all have a great bank holiday weekend and we will see you all on Tuesday

Foundation /year 1 team.






Week 2 

The children have had a wonderful second week of amazing learning!

In English this week the children started to explore the story of Mr Gumpy’s Outing. WE read the story and went on a little outing around school to see what we could see. We practiced the story lots by using our story map and we made up actions to remember it . We then worked as team to sequence the story- Miss Hughes tried and got it all wrong! BUT luckily the children helped her to sequence the story correctly! The year 1’s then sequenced it in their books and thought of fantastic time conjunctions to write alongside the pictures. The Foundation children also sequenced the story and they wrote key words next to the pictures to show their understanding! The year 1 children have also been writing sentences from the story using conjunction ‘and’.

In maths the year 1 children have spent this week exploring mass and volume , they have used bucket scales and they have been using ambitious vocabulary such as  balance, mass, heavier, lighter. They have found out the mass of objects in cubes and also compared the mass of different objects.

The Foundation children have been exploring the composition of 10 , they have continued to use their number bond to 10 knowledge to help them explore the number 10 in detail.

In PE the children have continued to explore throwing with our coach Ryan and have enjoyed building skills to play quick cricket.

IN PSHE the children are all exploring relationships, this week we had lots of great discussion about what makes a caring friend. The children in this class are so thoughtful and kind and really contributed well with this lesson.

IN Geography the year 1’s have been exploring physical features of Looe! Yesterday they explored a map of Looe and worked well to identify physical features , they then looked at a picture of Looe and showed their knowledge by labeling all the physical features they could see!

The foundation children have been building Looe out of Lego, riding the balance bikes around a chalked Looe track, drawing their favourite things they like to do in Looe and so much more!

On Tuesday we celebrated St Georges day and all of our activities were based around St George . The children loved exploring the story and a great discussion happened about whether we think St George really killed a dragon or whether he was known for being  a great person that protected his village!

What a wonderful week

Have a lovely weekend

Foundation /year 1 team. 



Week 1 - Summer Term

What a fantastic first week back we have had! The children have come back to school with such enthusiasm, and it has been lovely to see! We have loved hearing all about their Easter activities at home too!

This week the children have worked so well. All children have been exploring a Kenning poem and have been exploring verbs ending -ing to make a noun verb phrase such as children eating, cars tooting. The children then imitated our Kenning poem into a poem about Looe and we were blown away with the suggestions the children came up with! The children have then been using their phonic knowledge to write the poem. They are amazing.

In maths the year ones have been exploring number bonds to 10 and have been working hard to add objects together to make 10, using part-whole models. The year one children have been exploring length and height, they have used key vocabulary and have measured objects using cubes and then learning about a ruler and measuring in centimetres.

Today we held our Alternative sports afternoon, and it was fantastic, the children had lots of fun joining in with all the activities and games. We will try and fit lots of these activities into our special sports in foundation/ year 1 over the last summer term.

The children have achieved so much this week and have explored so much learning.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend

Foundation /year 1 team. 



Happy Easter Holidays!

Happy Easter Holidays

Wow! We have completed yet another term!

The children have worked so hard, and all the children are progressing really well. We are so proud of their achievements.

We have had a really busy week, attached are some of the pictures of  some of the learning we have explored this week.

May we take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support this term and we wish you an amazing Easter break.

We look forward to seeing the children back at school on Monday 15th April.

Foundation /year 1 team. 



Week 5 

The children have had another wonderful week in Foundation/Year1 this week!

Can you believe we only have 3 ½ days to go until the Easter holidays!

This week the year ones have finished off some place value to 50 lessons and have been exploring partitioning larger numbers and also finding larger numbers on a number line. The year ones have then spent time being assessed on their maths knowledge. They all worked so hard, and the adults are very impressed!

In English the year ones have also been showing the adults what they can achieve by completing English assessments. The children tried so hard, even when it was quite tricky!

This week all the children have enjoyed exploring dinosaurs. We started the week with discovering dinosaur eggs. We then used vinegar ad pipets to hatch the dinosaurs form the eggs1 This was great fun! We have also been palaeontologists and used brushes to carefully uncover the fossils in the sandpit. We have also been using crayons to make rubbings of dinosaurs. We have explored dinosaur books and made dinosaurs from 2d shapes and Lego! We also drew dinosaurs, coloured them and SO MUCH MORE!

We have had a great week! Next week we will be exploring the Eden project and Easter!

We have definitely been great exploders this half term and I think the children can answer our big question: What’s it like to be an Explorer?

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend

Foundation /year 1 team.






Week 4 

What a wonderful week of learning we have had in foundation/year 1!

On Monday we started the week exploring Eid, we learnt about how Muslims celebrate Eid. We learnt about the yummy food and celebrations that take place and how some Muslim people fast. We learnt about the importance of praying to God for Muslim people. One of our pupils shared his experience of Eid and what it means to him.

It has also been Science week . We started Science week by cutting up three apples, we wanted to see what happened to natural things over time! We placed one apple in a pot with nothing else, one in oil and one in vinegar! WE predicted what might happen... we surprised today to find the part of the apple that was submerged in oil was REALLY brown and mushy! We loved also exploring other scientific experiments! 

In English this week the foundation and year 1 children have continued to use their skills and phonic knowledge to write their planned stories. The children have been given lots of time because they were so enthusiastic about finishing the story. They have all worked so hard with some amazing results!

In maths the foundation children have been working hard with numbers 8, 9 and 10. They have been recognising these numbers, sorting these numbers, and comparing them. They have been subitising and exploring the composition of these numbers.

The year 1 ‘s have been exploring place value to 50! This has been quite tricky, and we have been learning our ten times tables to help us. They have been exploring groups of tens and ‘some ‘  more like 43 being 4 groups of ten and 3 more.

In PSHE this week the children explored medicine sand how to be safe around them and what medicines do for us. In PE the children continued to perform their Arctic dance and ball skills with Ryan.

In Phonics all the children have been working so well in their groups. The children really are progressing very well.

The children have also been exploring spring; they have made daffodils, used play-dough to make plants, they have used funky fingers to complete spring pictures and sop much more!

Today was Red Nose Day and the children looked fab! Thank you for any donations!

Have a great weekend

Foundation /year 1 team.






Week 3 

In English this week all the children imitated the Lost and Found story. The foundation children have been working hard to write captions and sentences to match the imitated story and the year ones have been writing the story inm full. The year ones then planned their own story ready to write next week.

In maths the year one children have been completing post and pre assessments at the end of one unit and ready to start a new one: Place value to 50. The foundation children have been exploring height and time.

The children have enjoyed dressing up as their favourite characters this week and in pyjamas! They also made lovely bookmarks and explored lots of different books!

IN PSHE all the children have continued how to stay healthy, and this week explored what to do when we have a cold and how to prevent the spread of germs! Mrs Lydon needed the children’s help when blowing her nose and washing her hands eeewwww! Thank goodness the children were there to support her!!

St Piran's day was amazing and we loved having all the parents in school for some great activities in the afternoon! The singing outside was just lovely and the children enjoyed learning about what St Piran's day means in Cornwall. 

On Friday we were lucky enough to have Martin, a community visitor, come into school and tell us all about Antarctica as he was stationed there for a long time. Martin told us all about Antarctica and the children told Martin all they knew about Robert Falcon Scott.

We have had a wonderful week in class full of exciting learning.

Have a great weekend

Foundation /year 1 team.






Week 2 

Another fab week of learning has taken place in Foundation/Year 1!

In English this week we have started to explore a new story called Lost and Found.

This book fits wonderfully with our current polar theme as it is about a little boy who discovers a penguin at his door and wants to return him to the South Pole. The children have explored the story by watching the movie as a wow moment and then exploring the book and story map in detail. They then worked in teams to sequence the story using pictures. The year one children used time connectives to join the pictures and the foundation children used their phonic knowledge to write key words to match the pictures. The year ones then used the pictures and time connectives to write sentences.

In maths this week the year ones have been exploring subtraction and difference. They have worked really hard and used lots of resources to help them solve some tricky questions. The foundation children have been exploring length, they have been making chains and then ordering in order of length. Yesterday the foundation children had lots of different ribbon to sort, and they ordered these in length sizes too. Today they started to explore height and built towers- whose was tallest?

The year ones have also continued to explore parts of plants and trees in science, they learnt about David and Goliath in RE and discussed being brave, then wrote when they believed they have been brave recently. In PSHE all the children have been remembering how to stay healthy and writing their knowledge down. In History the year ones continued to discover more facts about Robert Falcon Scott’s journey to the South Pole.

The foundation children have been working as a team to collage a polar scene (its wonderful), they have been using hexagon links to make igloos, they have explored the frozen arctic animals and figured out how to set them free, They have been using their observational skills to paint some polar pictures using watercolours, and so much more!

Next week we will continue to be explorers but explore the world of plants!

What a wonderful week!

Have a great weekend

Foundation /year 1 team.




Spring 2 - Week 1 

Well, what a wonderful first week back at school we have had! Spring 2 has started with such enthusiasm for the children.

Our big question for this half term is: What’s it like to be an explorer? We have been exploring Polar regions and the explorer Robert Scott.

This week in English the children have been exploring acrostic poems. We explored a poem with the focus words SOUTH POLE. We read this poem and explored the features of an acrostic poem. We learnt actions to help us recall the poem.

We then thought of our own acrostic poem (HUGO) and explored lots of different acrostic poems. The children then explored lots of different adjectives linked to polar regions and wrote planned and write their own acrostic poem with the focus word ARCTIC.

In maths year ones have been exploring doubles, near doubles and subtraction facts using their number bond knowledge.

The foundation children have also been exploring doubles and combining two groups.

In PE this week we have started dance and are exploring a penguin dance to fit our explorer topic.

The year 1’s have also been exploring Henri Matisse in art, Sukkah in RE and beginning to explore plants in Science. We have been super busy this week!

The foundation children have also enjoyed exploring all about Robert Scott, looking at polar region books, looking at polar animals and making arctic scenes. They have also enjoyed being explorer in our explorer role play area and so much more!

We have had a wonderful first week. 

Have a great weekend

Foundation /year 1 team.





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