Head's Blog

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Our values have been refreshed 

Our School and Trust Values

Our School and Trust Values mean a great deal to us, but we felt we needed to give them a great big refresh.  The children were involved in this work with a professional artist and we are working hard to ensure that we can all remember them and why they were chosen.  All classrooms have a display of their own now, but we asked a former pupil Maisie to create her very own display for us.  Maisie is a talented artist and is currently studying for a degree at Plymouth University.  We have been so impressed with the display that she has created, so we have shared some of it here.
Our values are:
Creative:  We chose an octopus because they are very intelligent creatures and can solve problems and fit into tight spaces.  They can use tools and they can change shape because they have few bones.
Curious:  The lobster is the sea creature we chose.  Lobsters can live for as long as 100 years.  They cannot see or hear well, but they have an exquisite sense of touch.  They are also sensitive to changes in temperature and they can smell with their feet!  They have also learned to avoid anything that will cause them pain which we felt means they need to be curious to be able to do this.
Determined:  The unusual Goby was the choice here.  Goby's live on the shoreline and they can determinedly swim and walk up rocks to get to rockpools.  They are prey animals and are in the largest fish family across the world.  They are very adaptive to different habitats.  The Goby fish in our environment are dull in colour, but we thought we would celebrate the vibrant colours that they can achieve.
Enthusiastic:  Dolphins were the obvious choice here.  They are energetic and live in large pods; they are very sociable and work together to hunt.  They give awe-inspiring displays and surf the waves for fun.  Dolphins are altruistic and will help other dolphins and other species.
Excellent:  Surprisingly, the children chose a blue shark for this value.  They have a keen sense of electromagnetism and can detect a heart beating from miles away.  They migrate incredibly long distances in search of food and dive to very deep depths.  They always try their hardest.
Responsible:  Our final sea creature, the whale was chosen because they look after their young very well and protect them for far longer than other marine animals.  They sing magical songs that are their complex way of communicating and the calves whisper to their mothers.  Whales are not predators; they feed by filtering through their gills.  Caring and responsibility go hand in hand we all felt.

The sea creatures will be on display in every classroom and we will continue to celebrate our association with our rich coastal and seaside environment through our values.  We are very excited!  A big, big thank you to Maisie for all of her time and inspiration.


A great start to the new school year 

Getting ready to compete

It is only day 2 but we were raring to go with our exciting new initiative for the Year 4, 5 and 6 children.

We have been looking for some different experiences for the children that keep them active, and to inspire them and help them to understand that there are so many activities that they can join in with.  We will be trying lots of alternative sports at school this year and today we started with the arrival of our very own field gun.  This is a popular sport in Devon and Cornwall and once we have learned how to race with the equipment, we will begin to compete in a local league with the hope that we can reach the finals that are held on Plymouth Hoe in June on Armed Forces Day.  Children will enjoy learning the skill as part of their PE lessons.

The children have to work hard, they have to work as a team and they have to be self-disciplined to make the race from one end of the track to another, taking apart the gun from its chassis and racing it through an obstacle at each end of the track before putting it back together again. It's a tradition that has lots of history; and after all of the fun that we had in the sunshine today, I am very hopeful that we will achieve our goal.

Maybe we will have to invite the parents to have a go!  Are you up for the challenge?  Be prepared to get very sweaty!


School is Over for the Year 

End of Year Message

Where did the academic year go?  We have achieved so much this year with such a range of activities and achievements. We have also some amazing results to celebrate right across the age range and we are very proud of how hard everyone has worked; children and staff alike.
We have said goodbye to some members of staff: Mr Franklin, Mrs Yeo, Miss Richardson, Mrs Prowse and Mrs Learner and they will be sadly missed; we wish them lots of luck.  A big thank you is given to Mr Smith, who has a new role for next year; we could not have got through the year without him. We also said goodbye to our Year 6 leavers in style with the wonderful production of The Greatest Show and their Hawaiian themed leavers' party.
The summer break will be over in a flash, but we will be excited to welcome both new pupils and new members of staff, for what is already shaping up to be a learning and fun packed year.  Happy holidays everyone!


Easter Eggstravaganza 

Easter has well and truly arrived!

What a busy day it was here at Looe Primary Academy yesterday!  We were inundated with entries for our annual Easter egg competition and with a new family category this year, there were even more entries.  You can see just four of them here, but they were all fantastic.  You can also see one of the entries made by one of our Year 6 pupils.  She has been taught how to use a lathe by her dad and then made this beautiful wooden egg, inset with very colourful green and sparkly resin.  This egg got a special mention because it helped us all to realise that we can be inspired to achieve new skills by so many different things.  With winners in all year groups and the family entries, there were chocolate Easter eggs everywhere.  Huge thanks too, to the parent who donated the winning Easter eggs to award as the prizes.  We are a very lucky school indeed!

Once we had judged the entries in the library, it then turned into a learning space again to welcome members of staff from all of our Bridge Trust Schools  to a session to moderate the Year 6 work that all Year 6 children across the Trust have been completing.  These sessions are great, because it always helps to compare and then check that we are all marking the work at the same level.  We are very proud of the work that our Year 6 children have been producing, so it was lovely to be able to showcase it with other colleagues as they also shared their work with pride and enthusiasm.

As if that was not enough, we then welcomed the parents and families of our Foundation age children to attend an Easter party in the school hall for the afternoon.  There were crafts and activities for all, some stories and some wonderful games, including with a parachute.  The atmosphere was amazing and full of fun.

We had so many people enter through the doors yesterday, it was a very special and busy day.  I am always proud to be the headteacher of this school, but yesterday was one of those days when I was even more proud than ever to put our amazing school in the spotlight with so many people.

Happy Easter everyone.


Gool Peran Lowen 

This is Mrs Higgins.  She is a much loved and respected member of staff and she has worked at Looe Primary Academy for a long time now.  We have been celebrating St. Piran's Day at Looe Primary on the day and since then and we have been considering what it means to be Cornish.  One of the questions was whether you need to have been born in Cornwall to be, or to feel Cornish? Those of you who know Mrs Higgins will know that she was obviously born in Liverpool, but Mrs Higgins has spent many years in Cornwall and she is very proud of the fact that she lives and works in Cornwall and that her own family have grown up here.  We also talked about what being Cornish means and what that might look like.  Mr Smith, our Assistant Headteacher, was born and raised in Cornwall and although he has travelled the world and speaks a number of languages, Cornwall is where his heart lies.  For Mr Smith, Cornwall meant the beautiful peninsula coastline, his scouting tradition, certain types of food, including pasties of course, and his love of singing some of the Cornish songs and sea shanties.  There were lots of things that helped different children to feel Cornish, not least ice cream and being able to go to the beach, but when we sang the Looe version of 'Cornwall is my home', we all agreed that it is amazing and wonderful to feel Cornish, even if you were not born here!  


Looe Town Lantern Parade 

We were delighted last Friday evening to join the Looe Town Lantern Parade down to the Quayside in Looe where the Looe May Queen and a pupil at Looe Primary had the honour of turning on the town Christmas lights.  So many children turned up to join in the procession and the lanterns that Mrs Gregory and Mrs Brewer are holding were some of many including polar bears, penguins, santas, robins and stars to name but a few!  Once we were down at the Quayside, Reverend Ben lead the sing-a-long and we had a wonderful time.  The choir sang Starry Night on their own and joined in with all of the other carols and songs.  It was a cold, crisp, evening; all were in good voice and the atmosphere was perfect.  What a lovely place to live and to come to school!  It was a great way to start our Christmas celebrations here at school.


Celebration Assemblies 

We have been enjoying getting our school back to all of the things that we used to enjoy. One of the most exciting parts of our week is to find out who has been awarded one of our celebration certificates.  These happen every Friday and each teacher awards two certificates to children who they feel has had an exceptional week for any reason.  This can be for high quality work, being brave enough to try something new, or accepting a challenge, for great behaviour and helping others etc.  This week we had certificates for quite a few children who had been working very hard and who had shown very positive learning attitudes, which was very encouraging.

Parents join us for our celebration assemblies and the children receiving certificates can share in their pride at the end of the assemblies.  It is one of our favourite activities of the week to find out who has been rewarded for being a great pupil.  It was made even better last week as it was World Smile Day; making all of our smiles extra special! I wonder who will get a certificate next week?


Very Special Visitors at Looe Primary 

Woody and Sophie are to pay a visit

We are very excited because we have two very special visitors coming to our school next week and we hope that they will become regular visitors.  Meet Woody. He is owned by Mrs Willars who is the PA to Mr Yalden, the Headteacher at Looe Community Academy.  Woody and his friend Sophie, a labrador, are highly trained dogs and Mrs Willars has trained Woody and Sophie to work in school; in fact they have become regular members of the school community at Looe Community Academy.

We were delighted when Mrs Willars said that she would like to bring Woody and Sophie to school as part of her outreach work.  They are going to help small groups of children or individual children by listening to them read.  They will also help if some of our children need just that bit of emotional and well-being support.

We have sent letters to all parents today via email and if we would like one of your children to benefit from meeting Woody and Sophie in the first group we trial, we will be in touch.

As a dog owner mysef, I can clearly understand the benfit that Woody and Sophie will bring to our school, so we are very much looking forward to welcoming them next week with Mrs Willars.  We will report back on the fun and reading that they all manage in between the cuddles!


Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 

It is with great sadness that we have learned of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.  All at Looe Primary Academy are saddened by this news.  We held an assembly this morning where we gave thanks and prayed for the Queen.

We would like to express our condolences and our thoughts are with her family at this difficult time. 

During the period of mourning, we will participate in appropriate aspects of learning with time to reflect.  We may also decide to postpone some events and activities during this time and we will keep you informed of any changes if they are to happen.

We will be reducing our social media content to only essential information for the mourning period and we anticipate that there will be a bank hoilday announced for Her Majesty's state funeral.  We will notify you if this is confirmed.

The Queen was passionate about children and I leave you with a quote from a speech that she made as a 14 year-old princess to the children of the Commonwealth in October 1940;

"... and when peace comes, remember it will be for us, the children of today, to make the world of tomorrow a better and happier place."

Without doubt, Her Majesty worked tirelessly to achieve her pledge and she will continue to inspire us for years to come.


Holy Week at Looe Primary 

We embrace a number of religions within our religious education activities at school, but at this time of year, all of the talk of chocolate and eggs needs to be connected to the real meaning of Easter for both staff and pupils.  Most of the classes have been looking at the Easter story and have been working to understand the relevance and importance of Holy Week at this time.  One of the children has depicted elements of the story very well in this picture.

The story reminds us that Jesus was the bearer of all of our sins, and that he took the burden for all of us, so that we do not need to carry it any further.  In his resurrection, we learn that there is light and hope in the eternal life of Jesus, and that he is with us every step of the way and loving us no matter what and giving us the encouragement that we need when times are hard.

Whether we beilieve in the Easter story or not there are certainly lessons to be learnt to guide us in life.  We wish you all a very happy Easter.



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Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

© 2024 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.